a new discovery
Monday, March 15, 2010
I discovered something new at the grocery store last week! I discovered that Diet Coke now comes in a 7.5 oz can!! Maybe you already knew that. Maybe everyone already knew. Maybe I'm just out of the loop.
I'm a little teeny bit addicted to Diet Coke. Ok, maybe a lot addicted. Either way, I probably should have known that Coca Cola launched their new 7.5 oz cans back in December! But apparently I'm not very observant, because I just found out last week.
Anyway, I was pretty excited about my discovery. Despite being addicted to Diet Coke, I don't actually drink that much. AND I don't drink it very fast - so it always ends up going flat before I finish a regular 12 oz can. I typically regulate myself to one can a day at lunch - and I LIVE for that can! Well not really LIVE, but I do really look forward to it! It's like my break from the work day. Ok I'm strange.
So I was all excited. Key word is WAS excited. Until I looked at the price that is! So the normal cost of a 12 pack of Diet Coke these days is around $4.79. Not that I EVER pay THAT much! I typically only buy it if it's under $3. But say I DID buy it at full price, that would be $0.39 per can. ($0.25 if I can get it on sale.)
So how does the 7.5 oz can compare? Well they sell it in an 8 pack ... for $3.99! Let me do the math for you, that's $0.50 per can! Now why in the world would I pay MORE for LESS?
I guess I'll just continue drinking 75% of my can of Diet Coke every day. Seems like such a waste. But if my choices are pay more or waste DC - I think the answer is obvious.
Ok. Sorry rant over.
If you want more info, you can always read the press release here.
I quit the DC a few years ago. It was brutal. Ah ha ha
On the one hand though, if you only drink one can (or bottle) every now and again, like say, once every three weeks, the price difference is awesome.
I personally am a Diet Pepsi drinker, and they came out with the DP tall-boys initially in support of the olympics. 0.99$ per can, verses the 1.25$ for a normal sized can.
But again, it all really depends on whether you're a frequent drinker, or a just a taste drinker ;)
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