update on hubby and iPood

Friday, June 18, 2010

We finally heard back from the lab yesterday with hubby's test results. Everything was negative. As in no infection. Part of me is relieved. He is ok. He's starting to feel better too. The other part of me wishes they had found something. Then we'd have a concrete reason for why he was feeling the way he was feeling, and then they could fix it. He's had stomach issues on and off for years, and they never seem to find anything wrong. But for now he is ok, and I am happy for that!

Monday night - after spending most of the day in the clinic, and then trying to go to work for a few hours - hubby was in a lot of pain and not a very good mood. I left him on the couch and went to fill his prescription. I came home with more than just Vicodin, I found this:

Hubby and I are both huge Apple fans, so this little shirt is perfect for us. I can just imagine our little 6 month old sporting this shirt with a cute little pair of jeans ....

It made him smile, and that was all I wanted.


mel @ the larson lingo June 21, 2010 at 3:02 PM  

That shirt is AWESOME! Hysterical!

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